Configuring ISDN-to-SIP Release Cause Mapping

The Release Cause Mapping from ISDN to SIP table lets you configure up to 12 ISDN ITU-T Q.850 release cause code (call failure) to SIP response code mapping rules. The table lets you override the default ISDN-to-SIP release cause mappings, listed in Fixed Mapping of ISDN Release Reason to SIP Response. When the device receives an ISDN cause code from the PSTN side, it searches the table for a matching ISDN cause code. If found, the device sends the corresponding SIP response to the IP. If the ISDN cause code is not configured in the table, the default, fixed ISDN-to-SIP release reason mapping is used.

You can change the originally received ISDN cause code to any other ISDN cause code, using the Release Cause ISDN to ISDN table (see Configuring ISDN-to-ISDN Release Cause Mapping). If the originally received ISDN cause code appears in both the Release Cause ISDN to ISDN table and the Release Cause Mapping ISDN to SIP table, the mapping rule in the Release Cause Mapping ISDN to SIP table is ignored. The device only uses a mapping rule that matches the new ISDN cause code.

The following procedure describes how to configure ISDN-to-SIP release cause mapping through the Web interface. You can also configure it through ini file [CauseMapISDN2SIP] or CLI (configure voip > gateway manipulation cause-map-isdn2sip).

To configure a ISDN-to-SIP release cause mapping rule:
1. Open the Release Cause Mapping from ISDN to SIP table (Setup menu > Signaling & Media tab > Gateway folder > Manipulation > Release Cause ISDN > SIP).
2. Click New; the following dialog box appears:

3. Configure a mapping rule according to the parameters described in the table below.
4. Click Apply.

Release Cause Mapping from ISDN to SIP Table Parameter Descriptions





Defines an index number for the new table row.

Note: Each row must be configured with a unique index.

'Q.850 Causes'



Defines the ISDN Q.850 cause code. For example, you can enter "6" (without quotation marks) to represent Cause Code 6 Channel Unacceptable.

'SIP Response'



Defines the SIP response code. For example, you can enter "406" (without quotation marks) to represent the SIP 406 Not Acceptable response.